Saturday, January 16, 2010

ChrisTmas DanCe RecItiaL

Olivia and Zoe

Zoe, Belle, Olivia, Elly, and Alyssa
Parker is so excited to be here!
Elly, Olivia and cute Hadley




Belle and Zoe


Friday, January 15, 2010

DaddY DaugHter FuN

This is what happens when you have TWO girly girls. What a good Dad!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Emergency Room

Last night Olivia was running into the kitchen to get a drink and was not watching where she was going and ran right into the corner of the railing to the stairs . We took her to Wee Care the doctors looked at it and told us to take her to the ER. Surprisingly they got us in and out pretty fast for an ER. They told us we were Lucky she didn't get her eye and because it was a straight cut they could glue it instead of stitching it. Olivia was really excited about the glue especially after they told her it was PURPLE her favorite color.

Apparently Zoe was feeling left out or something, She likes to be like her SISTER. So this is what Zoe did today......

What can I say my kids are as graceful as their Mom!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I have had the chance to take pictures for a couple different families this summer. It has been a lot of fun doing it. Thanks to all those families who have let me practice on them.

Alyssa's Baptism

We are so PROUD of you Alyssa. We LOVE you!!
